Friday, August 31, 2012

Weekend Project

It's Labor Day weekend! Woo-hoo! And since my boss is on an architectural pilgrimage to Chicago (she says you can't go to Architect Heaven without a voyage there), I have an extra long Labor Day weekend. What to do, what to do? I definitely have a lot of things to do... like today for example:

That's a pretty boring list (minus the Days of Our Lives action with my momma) and I want to do something fun and creative this weekend!
Maybe you follow me on Instagram (@masikawa but probably not since I don't have too many followers on there). I recently posted a photo of my balcony at my new apartment:

It's a cute little space with a lot of potential (that little wind chime came with the apartment, haha). We've lived here for about a month and the balcony still looks the same. My plan is to spruce it up with some plants- probably succulents since those are almost Marika-proof, some seating, some lighting and something to hang on the wall.
Lately, I've been seeing photos of sparkly garland floating around tumblr and pinterest. The most popular photo being of Emily Schuman's of Cupcakes and Cashmere:

That gorgeous garland comes from It's a bit pricey for myself so I thought, "Why not do it yourself??"
After a bit (and by "a bit" I mean one Google search) I found a simple DIY-version of an outdoor friendly garland. 

It's a no-sew project which is perfect for me because I haven't touched a sewing machine since 2002 (I took a Home Ec class in 8th grade and made a pair of shorts!), and it's made of fabric which will hold up against rainy weather. 
Doesn't that look awesome? I think it's cool "wall art" for the exterior and makes it party-ready. Go here for the tutorial. 
Now I just need to head to the fabric store to get my little DIY project for the weekend going and hopefully my balcony will be a little more exciting!

Friday, August 17, 2012

30 Day Paleo Challenge: Completed!

I did it! I finished the 30 Day Paleo Challenge that my dad's work had us do. I have to say, it wasn't easy, especially the first week when all I was eating was plain salads and craving a double chocolate brownie. Luckily, with the support of my family, boyfriend, the Challenge group, and a few inspired recipes, I got through it and I'm so glad that I did. I feel so good! So much energy and the best part is that I don't really crave sugar anymore...well, I still want that brownie but the thought of what the sugar does to my body and insulin levels veer me away.
Yesterday was the last day of the challenge so today my mom and I headed over to my dad's work for a end-of-the-challenge Paleo Potluck. There was so much delicious food and everyone looked so good! Everyone saw results and most (including myself) plan on continuing with this lifestyle.
So just to break it down, for 30 days I didn't have any: sugar, carbs (breads, pastas, rice, noodles...omg I miss noodles!), or dairy (cheese, milk, etc.).
I did eat a lot of: veggies, fruit (that had lower levels of sugar), meat (BACON), and eggs.

Here are my results:
(In 30 days)
Weight:   -4.6 lbs.
Bust:      +1/4 inches
Chest:    + 3/4 inches
Waist:     -1 inch
Hips:      -1.5 inches
Thigh:    -3/4 inches

I'm so excited for these results. I've been trying to get into shape all year and while saw some results, I knew that I wasn't eating as clean as I should or could. My weight would fluctuate and my body just did not feel good. This challenge was just the jump start that I needed in order to be successful.
Above are pictures of some of the foods I ate. They are all paleo friendly (yes, even that ice cream!) and tasty!
I can't wait to see more results in the future!