Sunday, May 20, 2012

Solar Eclipse 2012

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As you probably already know, there was a solar eclipse today! Thank God for Facebook or I would have missed it! The light outside was very unusual. It felt like being in an apocalyptic movie where the end of days was near.
You could not see the eclipse without some sort of filter (you do not want to damage your eyes!) so we made a pinhole projector.
We used a long cardboard tube, a piece of aluminum foil with a pinhole and something to project on (we used a takeout box, haha).

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Here is my dad with our pinhole projector, trying to locate the projection on the takeout box.

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There it is! A nice little crescent.

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Here is the other end of our projector: the foil with a pinhole.

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Another view of our projection.

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We finally got our hands on a perfectly transparent piece of paper and used that instead of the little takeout box.

The crescent was getting thinner and thinner...

Weird crescent shaped shadows were being cast from the eclipse. Cool and unusual stuff going on, people!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Meaning I got a job! After about a month or two of corresponding with a local architect, we finally found time to get together for an interview and then two weeks later I was hired! As of now I am a consultant for the company working project to project. I do a lot of work on SketchUp and have already learned so much in my two weeks of working there. 
It's pretty exciting!
The funny thing about my unemployment was that I had all the time in the world to blog and do projects but didn't. Now that I have a (part-time) job, I have the urge to blog again. Maybe because life is more interesting now - I don't know but I plan on blogging more in the future. Not for anyone's entertainment but to keep a record of things going on... to have something to look back on. 

2012-05-04 15.50.31 by masikawa

Anyway, here's my new view. I work in an old building with exposed bricks, beams and giant windows. Not too shabby!